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  • 佛山市南海区腾瑞塑胶制品有限公司
<img src=http://www.e-fa.cn/skin/cnefa/image/nopic.gif border="0" alt="公司图片" />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 腾瑞塑胶制品有限公司(原缤达塑胶装饰建材厂),是生产塑料微发泡(塑料仿木)产品的专业厂家。公司现有厂房二万平方米,生产线45条,年生产量可达7000吨。现有产品形成了五大系列:户外家具板材、浴室装饰条、室内装饰线材、镜框画框线材及楼梯扶手。产品既有直接出口到美、欧及东南亚地区等国外市场,也有供应给家具、卫浴等行业的国内生产商,同时还有相当数量的OEM产品。<br><br> &nbsp; &nbsp;多年来我们专注于不断提升产品的质量,产品赢得了众多客户的良好口碑。我们真诚希望与所有客户携手合作,同创未来。<br> &nbsp; &nbsp;Auspicious Plastic Industry Co., Ltd., based on Benda Plastic Co., Ltd, is a professional manufacturer of Extruded Foam Plastic Products, also called Synthetic Wood Products. The company covers an area of 20,000 m2, sesses of 45 production lines. The production capacity reaches over 7,000 tons per year.<br> &nbsp; &nbsp;Our products including: Outdoor Furniture Board, Spa Strip, Indoor Decorative Moulding, Picture Frame Moulding, Handrail and other OEM products. All our products are now exported to Europe, U.S.A. and Southeastern Asia countries, as well as supplied to domestic furniture and sanitary ware manufactures.<br> &nbsp; &nbsp;With continued improvements in quality for many years, our products have won the trust from our customers.<br> &nbsp; &nbsp;We are sincerely willing to cooperate with friends from domestic and abroad, and to create a brilliant future together.<br><br><br><br>
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企业名称: 佛山市南海区腾瑞塑胶制品有限公司
商铺版本: 手机版
企业地址: 中国广东佛山市佛山市南海区狮山镇官窑南浦下果场文岗咀
企业电话: 86-0757-85895141
所在地: 广东/佛山市
企业类型: 企业单位 ()
保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
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