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  • 义乌市伟博文化用品商行

成立于1996年,交通便利,环境优越。本着精益 求精,誉满,以质量求市场,以信誉求生存,以服务求效益的经营理念为广大客户提供优质产品及服务。同时也得到了中外客商的大力支持。本处专业生产仿金、金属、 塑料、奖杯、奖牌、奖章、徽章、运动奖章。公司拥有压铸车间,铸塑车间,及电镀车间等先进的生产设备和生产线,以优越的品质,低廉的价格远销世界各地,是进行企业文化宣传及繁荣世界各国文化礼仪的产品。欢迎中外客商来样定做,定货。
本处以快捷高效的服务,科学的管理方法 开拓求实创新的企业精神,与几十个国家和地区的客商建立了良好的合作关系,我们全体员工感谢你们!同时希望通过我们的产品交到更多的朋友!
Set up in 1996, Zhejiang Yeshi Cultural & Sports Articles Co., Ltd. boasts the convenient traffic and excellent environment. Under the managing concept of “constantly improving, enjoying the fame around the world, winning market with quality, surviving with credit, gaining benefit with service”, we provide vast customers with high-quality products and service, also obtain the great supports from global merchants.
Our company professionally produces cups, medals, badges and sports medals made of imitation gold, metal and plastic. We have modern equipment and production lines like Die-Casting Workshop, Cast Molding Workshop and Plating Workshop, etc. Relying on excellent quality at low price, our products are exported to all over the world, are optimal for propagating enterprise culture and prospering worldwide cultural etiquette. Welcome global merchants to customize with supplied samples and place orders.
With the fast and efficient service, scientific management method as well the enterprise spirits of “pioneering, practical and innovation”, we have built good cooperation relationship with merchants from many countries and regions. Our president and all staffs express the heartfelt gratitude to you! Meantime, we hope to make more friends through our products!
  • 友情提示
  • 联系方式
企业名称: 义乌市伟博文化用品商行
商铺版本: 手机版
企业地址: 浙江义乌市义乌国际商贸城H区59号门二楼4街24623
企业电话: 86-0579-85164623
所在地: 浙江/金华市
企业类型: 企业单位 (制造商)
保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营范围: 徽章;奖章;校徽;工号牌;团徽;运动章;纪念章;奖牌;钥匙扣;证书;奖杯;少先队徽;铜牌;名片盒;奖牌框;水晶奖杯;金箔奖牌;胸卡;餐具;餐房用具;
注册年份: 2000
  • 企业地图
  • 手机扫码