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  • 安徽君诚体育器材有限公司
JUNE is a company of technical engineering established in 2003 which is specialised In research and development of sport research and biomechanics applications.
JUNE works in close co-operation with several universities, academic and other hospitals allowing the academic knowledge and advice to develop the most advanced and easy to use instruments for sport science use. Because of the continuous relations with biomechanics and sensor specialists , JUNE is able to link the newest technology to the latest biomechanics developments. Extensive attention is paid to create an easy operational handling of thein struments.
JUNE can develop your ideas into realism in a very practical way and with a continuous interaction between all involved teams.
JUNE develops force plates, Surface electromyography,sensors and actuators, Software, firmware, and all kind of analog and digital electronic hardware.
JUNE provide ongoing technical support, assistance, and continuous improvement programs in cost, quality and delivery.
If you would like to know more about JUNE, please click www.biomechnicsweb.com.
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企业名称: 安徽君诚体育器材有限公司
商铺版本: 手机版
企业地址: 安徽合肥市合肥市长江西路669号软件园4#
企业电话: 86-0551-7122317
所在地: 安徽/合肥市
企业类型: 企业单位 (制造商)
保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营范围: 多维力测力台;压力分布;表面肌电;足底三维力;步态分析系统;运动生物力学系统;人机功效;
注册年份: 2000
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