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  • 北京通路宝科技发展有限公司
北京通路宝科技发展有限公司在欧洲、北美等国有良好的贸易伙伴和合作关系。随着中国加入WTO,中国的经济市场趋向化,相应中国人的家庭装修也趋于欧式风格,而欧式风格中的重要部分 在于客厅中的壁炉。相信在不久的将来中国大陆市场将掀起壁炉文化热。 我们自2005年创业以来,进行了资产重组,在国内大城市有多个办事处程百余家专场店。通路宝公司将继续努力,稳定健康有序地发展通路宝电壁炉,营销网络规范化操作市场,减少代理商风险,实现公司和代理商经营双赢回报。通路宝希望各有识人士合作加盟通路宝电壁炉销售网络,通过您的真诚联手和聪明才智与辛勤劳动,以“双赢”为目的,持续发展电壁炉销售业绩,共创一个良好的电壁炉事业。 Long long time ago, people couldn’t live without fire.Our ancestors usually burned the wood and charcoal to maintain warm so that they could hold out the whole winter. In the early European royal family and nobles they put the fire into the wall just wanted to beautify it simply! After serial generations’ creation, it’s evolved to the functional and refined model----fireplace. Fireplace had own hundred years of history in Europe. Why people dedicated to the pursuit of fireplace that’s due to their fascination to the blazing flame of it. It’s not only created the warm atmosphere which can be prompt felt in cold winter, but also can make you lead a classical and romantic life in the other season. The elegant shapes can be involved in all the furnishings in living room and consequently cerate the functional and artistic condition. Today, in the era of advocating protection of environment, the situation of which the fireplace get the warmth by electric energy and imitate wood burning by optical principle has made our company arrived at a state of environmental protection.
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企业名称: 北京通路宝科技发展有限公司
商铺版本: 手机版
企业地址: 北京市北京市丰台区樊羊路69号亿城天筑小区11号楼1单元101
企业电话: 10-87361937
所在地: 北京
企业类型: 企业单位 (贸易商)
保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营范围: 电壁炉,壁炉饰品,壁炉工具
注册年份: 2005
销售产品: 壁炉 库存工艺礼品、饰品 
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