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  • 马鞍山市金蜂生物科技有限公司
公司简介 Company Brief Introduction 马鞍山市金蜂生物科技有限责任公司座落于安徽省马鞍山市青山风景区内的园艺生态科技园,近临唐代诗仙李白墓园数公里,周围环境优美 景色秀丽。与南京相邻60公里 ,距南京禄口国际机场30公里,交通便利。 Bee garden Maanshan of science and technology Co. Ltd is located in Maanshan city AnHui province. It is in the science and technology garden which located in Qingshan beauty spot. It is about several kilometers near the city of the dead in which buried LiBai. (LiBai is a very famous poet who lived in Tang Dynasty) Ambience is very beautiful and they are sixty kilometers near Nanjing city. There are thirty kilometers near Lukou international airdrome and it is very advantage. 公司以“科技兴企”作为长远发展的战略方针,把开发高新技术产品作为发展的主要方向,公司自成立以来,注重应用先进科学技术,及优良的生产设备发展公司的主要项目——蜂毒类产品,精选的技术人员参于科研项目的开发 The science and technology thrived the company is our long-term development course. We strive to development the new technology and products. Since the company come into existence we pay attention to apply the new technology and equipment to develop the bee venom products. We also choose the excellent scientists and technicians take part in the development of the products.
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企业名称: 马鞍山市金蜂生物科技有限公司
商铺版本: 手机版
企业地址: 安徽马鞍山当涂县姑孰镇工业集中区围屏路1号
企业电话: 0555-5202888/4000088230/86-0555-2920608
所在地: 辽宁/鞍山市
企业类型: 企业单位 (贸易商)
保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营范围: 精制蜂毒,纯蜂毒粉,蜂毒液,蜂毒冻干粉,食用配方蜂毒,蜂疗用蜂毒,取毒器
注册年份: 2011
销售产品: 其它 动物中药材 其他专用测试仪器 农林牧渔仪器仪表 其他化学原料药 集中控制装置 
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