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  • 南通德科工具有限公司
南通德科工具有限公司是一家专业设计,开发和生产各类工具的企业。公司成立之初主要开发生产各类新型的五金工具。2009年公司成立激光产品事业部,整合各方技术人才致力于开发生产专业测绘仪器、激光工具打造品牌。公司目前拥有“DEKE德科”“ACESUN镭尚”“L.TOOLS“等注册商标的使用权。公司的产品有专业测绘级 专业工具级 DIY家庭装修级组成,满足于建筑施工,道路建设,大型设备安装,室内装潢家庭安装等需要提供水平或垂直基准的场合使用。 公司目前生产和销售的主要产品有:激光投线仪、激光测距仪、各种测绘仪器、接收器、测距仪、三脚架。大力钳 装修类辅助工具 剪切类工具 我们拥有一批具有创新、进取精神的技术骨干;一支专业、高效的生产队伍;一个认真、严格的质检部门;一支诚信、灵活的销售团队;一个热情、周到的售后服务体系,“诚信为根,品质为本,小赢靠智,大赢靠德”是我们不变的经营宗旨。 Being situated near Yangtse River and seashore of the East Ocean, DEKE Co., Ltd lies in Lvsi port which is located at north bank of junction between Yangtse River and the East Ocean. Our corparation includes research, manufacture and distribution as a entirety. We believe diligence, creativity, peace,development as corporation culture and rely on efficiency and quality to strive for ess in the hardware field with our clients. The company main product covers the light steel keel and the plaster tablet auxiliary means series; Vigorously pliers series; The knife cuts the series; Screwdriver series; Plate work series.many of them has obtained national patent of china.Currently, products made by the company are selling in large amounts to many nations and regions around the globe such as USA, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Malaysia,Iran and Egypt. We not only think, but we do-to beat a drum with a hammer thousands of times if inferior to one big bang; Shining with boundless brilliance is not as clear as one light in darkness.
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企业名称: 南通德科工具有限公司
商铺版本: 手机版
企业地址: 江苏南通启东市江苏省启东市吕四港镇环城西路661号
企业电话: 513-83439038/86-0513-83439038
所在地: 江苏/南通市
企业类型: 企业单位 (贸易商)
保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营范围: 激光水平仪,激光测距仪,水准仪,标线仪,龙骨钳,大力钳,扳手,刨边器,砖钳,航空剪,水平仪,自动螺钉枪,手工刨,墨斗,新
注册年份: 2008
销售产品: 钳子 其他土木工具 激光水平仪 剪子 扳手 切割片 开孔器 刀片 切刀 库存五金工具 其他机床附件 
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