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  • 新隆家私厂
新隆家私制造厂是一家专业生产真皮布艺沙发的生产厂家,专门致力于中、高档沙发的开发、生产及销售。公司创建于一九九一年,经过十余年的不懈奋斗,现已发展成为拥有一万多平方米的厂房,数十名高级专业技术人员及两百多名高素质员工的大型专业家私生产企业。企业产品涵盖意大利真皮沙发、布艺沙发、茶几、餐桌椅等。 多年来,新隆人深谙“消费者为上帝”的真谛,产品款式不断推陈出新,十年如一日严把质量关,注重售后服务。企业产品先后获得中国“质量信得过产 品”“AAA级产品”等殊荣。现在以“维多利亚”'布伦丹'为品牌的产品销售网络遍布神州大地,并辐射欧美、中东、东南亚等国家。

XINLONG 'Victoria''Brendon' Furniture is a professional manufacturer of all kinds of furniture, esp. leather and fabric sofa and dinner tables. Established in 1991, through more than ten years' constant efforts, XINLONG has developed into a large scale company with more than 10,000 square meters workshops, tens of senior professional technicians and over two hundred high quality staffs. The products of the Company cover Italian leather sofa, Fabric sofa, tea table, dinner table, dinner chair etc. Xinlongnees believe that 'Customer is GOD' and so for over ten years they have been striving continuously to conduct products with the best quality, the best style and the best after-sales service. Now the Company has won successively the accolades of 'Quality Reliable Product', 'AAA Product', etc. in China. Now the brand of “Victoria”'Brendon' has gained a wide network in China, Europe, middle-east and south Asia.
'Constant enterprise and insistent pursuing of excellence' is the strategic goal of the Xinlonnees. With the aim of pursuing long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation, joint development, Xinlong 'Victoria'' Brendon' sincerely invites you to join us to create a better future.
  • 友情提示
  • 联系方式
企业名称: 新隆家私厂
商铺版本: 手机版
企业地址: 广东深圳市龙岗区横岗镇四联茂盛下板工业区
企业电话: 86-755-28694110
所在地: 广东/深圳市
企业类型: 企业单位 (制造商)
保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营范围: 真皮沙发; 布艺沙发; 餐桌; 餐椅;
注册年份: 2000
  • 企业地图
  • 手机扫码