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  • 云浮市西江隆石材有限公司
西江隆石材有限公司是专业代理进口及国产大理石荒料和板材,承接建筑工程加工与安装的现代化企业。我们拥有专业的团队,先进的石材加工设备,产品远销国内和欧美地区,参与的工程遍布香港与澳门等地。多年来承蒙同行及客户的鼎力支持,公司业务得到不断扩大,并积极拓展海外市场,创造企业品牌。我公司正不断发掘迎合新时代发展的新产品,适应各类城市建筑装饰工程的需求。推荐石材:黑钻(中国-内蒙古),天然黑石,黑色花岗岩/花岗石。咨询或报价:info@www.中国黑钻花岗石 () ,西江隆石材全方位的黑钻推介网站已发布!XIJIANGLONG was established in 2006, as a wholesale distributor of marble and granite, also providing cutting and tiling service. We are capable of supplying the market with guaranteed high quality natural stones from China and abroad. And we have supplied engineered tiles for a vast range of projects, from home improvements to huge commercial renovations, especially the hotels in Hong Kong and Macau. able quality and service is our commitment, while customer satisfaction is the cornerstone for our team as a motivation and ess.We are now a wholesaler of Black Diamond, natural black granite from Mongolia, China. With a large amount of output and fine aesthetic effect, Black Diamond can be one of the most popular black granite for the building decorative projects in the near future. We are proud to offer a first class distribution and tiling service with a lowest sible price. For more details, please go to .
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企业名称: 云浮市西江隆石材有限公司
商铺版本: 手机版
企业地址: 广东云浮腰古镇水东开发区
企业电话: 0766-8512188
所在地: 广东/云浮市
企业类型: 企业单位 (贸易商)
保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营范围: 丝路米黄,浅啡网,凯悦红,金摩卡,粉红玫瑰,橙皮红,黑钻,黑石,米黄,德国米黄,苏非亚米黄,米黄,国金米黄,国金灰
注册年份: 2006
销售产品: 资料不详
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