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  • 侯延平
青岛晟研工业材料有限公司,位于美丽的海滨城市青岛,公司是理研涂附磨具产品专业供应商。目前有理研,RMC,韩国太阳(Sunmight),瑞典埃克曼等各种进口国产品牌抛光研磨抛光材料。为了迎合市场的需求以及公司的长远发展,公司现由天津筱福纳米科技研发推出“虎”牌涂层砂纸以及涂层砂布系列。公司产品用在木业,五金不锈钢,电子,复合材料,玻璃,纺织皮革,大理石,汽车,轮船等行业。在目前经济竞争激烈的市场环境下,晟研公司以人为本,创建科学的管理体系,严把质量关,兢兢业业尽可能为客户提供优势产品及快捷的服务。青岛晟研工业材料有限公司本着“客户,诚信至上”的原则,与多家企业建立了长期的合作关系。热诚欢迎各界朋友前来电来函洽谈业务。The Qingdao Sheng Advantech Industrial Material Co., Ltd., located in the beautiful coastal city of Qingdao, the company Riken product professional supplier of coated abrasives. There, RIKEN, RMC, a variety of domestic and imported polishing and grinding materials. I am now independently developed sandpaper emery cloth coating products. The company's products are used in the Wood, stainless steel hardware, electronics, comite materials, marble, cars, ships and other industries. In the current economic competitive market environment, Jiasheng people-oriented, to create a scientific management system and strict quality control to provide the best sible service for our customers. Qingdao Sheng Advantech Industrial Materials Co., Ltd., the spirit of "customer first, honesty first" principle, with a number of enterprises established long-term cooperative relationship. Sincerely e friends from all walks of life before the letter calls business negotiations.
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企业名称: 侯延平
商铺版本: 手机版
企业地址: 青岛市李沧区东山二路20号(谢绝与本行业无关的推销)
企业电话: 0532-66820600
所在地: 山东/青岛市
企业类型: 企业单位 (贸易商)
保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营范围: 砂纸,砂布,砂带,砂纸卷,砂布卷,涂层砂纸砂布卷,进口砂纸砂带
注册年份: 2008
销售产品: 砂纸 砂带 气动磨光机 其他气动工具及配件 砂布 电动抛光机 
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