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  • 东莞市长安兴卓工艺品商行
本公司是一家从事工艺品设计,研发,自己开模生产,经营的产品有:金属工艺品,中东工艺品,欧美工艺品,俄罗斯风格工艺品,产品包括:首饰盒、烟灰缸、相框、纸巾盒,果盘,阿拉神灯,蜡烛台,高档酒店用品等 我们的产品款式新颖、质量可靠同时价格具有竞争性。确保客户及时的货期及完善的售后服务使得我们的产品行销亚洲、欧美、中东等国家和地区。 东莞市长安兴卓工艺品有限公司拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系,诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的。欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、指导和业务洽谈,我们本着“质量和信誉.用户和服务至上”的原则,真诚的希望同世界各地的客商通力合作,开拓商机,共创美好明天!English introduction This is a company engaged in the arts and crafts design, R & D, mold production, business products: metal crafts, arts and crafts in the Middle East, Europe and the United States, crafts, Russian-style arts and crafts, products include: jewelry boxes, ashtrays, picture frames, tissue boxes, fruit plate, Allahlamp, candle holders, upscale hotel supplies Our products are fashionable, reliable quality and competitive prices. Ensure customers timely delivery and perfect after-sales service makes our product marketing in Asia, Europe and the United States, the Middle East and other countries and regions. Dongguan City, An Xingzhuo Crafts Co., Ltd. has a complete and scientific quality management system, integrity, strength and quality of products recognized by the industry. e friends from all walks of life come to visit, guidance and business negotiation, the principle of "quality and credibility of the first users and service first" we sincerely hope to work together with customers around the world to develop business opportunities for a better tomorrow!
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企业名称: 东莞市长安兴卓工艺品商行
商铺版本: 手机版
企业地址: 广东东莞广东省东莞市长安厦边科技园
企业电话: 86-0769-82386257
所在地: 广东/东莞市
企业类型: 企业单位 (贸易商)
保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营范围: 金属工艺品,首饰盒,烟灰缸,相框,纸巾盒
注册年份: 2012
销售产品: 首饰箱包 金属工艺品 相框、相架 纸巾盒 茶壶、水壶 其他厨房小工具 其他烟具及用品 
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