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  • 北京飞举电气有限公司

北京飞举电气有限公司是注册于中关村科技园区的高新技术企业。主要业务为电力线路故障检测装置的技术开发、生产与销售。在故障查找领域,主要产品有架空短路故障指示器、架空短路接地故障指示器,架空智能短路接地故障指示器,电缆短路故障指示器和电缆接地故障指示器以及面板型短路接地故障指示器、电力线路故障实时监测系统和带电显示器等,产品性能可靠,判断准确,深得用户好评。公司在近年的城网改造中业绩显著,不仅应用于电力系统,还扩大到石油、铁路钢铁等领域,故障指示器系列产品在全国各大、中城市已在线稳定运行几十万只。公司全面贯彻ISO9001质量管理体系,致力于“电力线路数字化、故障查找智能化” 目标,科学评价产品的先进性、可靠性,拥有自主的专利知识产权,权威的产品检测检验报告。公司本着致诚服务、自主创新的精神,限度地满足用户的需要,确保为用户提供质量的产品。Beijing the Feiju Electric Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise registered in Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park.Is principally engaged in the technical development of the power line fault detection device, production and sales.Troubleshooting field, the main products are overhead fault indicator, overhead short circuit fault indicator, overhead smart shorted to ground fault indicator cable short circuit fault indicator and cable ground fault indicator panel shorted to ground fault indicator, powerline real-time fault monitoring system and live display, the products are reliable, accurate judgment, well received by users.In recent years Chengwanggaizao performance significantly, not only used in power systems, but also expanded to the petroleum, railway steel and other fields, the fault indicator series in the country, in the cities to stable operation of hundreds of thousands of online.Fully implement the ISO9001 quality management system, committed "power lines digitized, fault find intelligent" objective, scientific evaluation of advanced products, reliability, with independent intellectual property patents, authoritative product testing and inspection report. The company of honor the spirit of independent innovation, best meet the needs of users, to ensure the provision of best quality products.


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企业名称: 北京飞举电气有限公司
商铺版本: 手机版
企业地址: 北京市海淀区-北京市通州区中关村科技园区通州园金桥科技产业基地景盛南四街15号中试区82号楼
企业电话: 010-56371166
所在地: 北京
企业类型: 企业单位 (贸易商)
保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
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