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  • 世号特贸易(上海)有限公司
<img src=http://www.e-fa.cn/skin/cnefa/image/nopic.gif border="0" alt="公司图片" />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Seven Trumpets Co., Ltd is the brunch of the Qingxi Company. Qingxi mainly deals in plastic products in Korea. As the partner of the world famous companies such as LG, Samsumg and so on, our technology has already achieved acknowledgement.<br>世号特贸易是(株)庆喜在中国成立的公司,后者在韩国是专门从事助塑塑料生产的企业。 作为LG、三星等大企业的合作伙伴其专业技术早已获业内。<br><br>In order to satisfy customers requirements, Qingxi has established Seven Trumpets in Seoul to produce new products. Seven Trumpets has the whole system from planning, designing to producing. We &nbsp;will go into Chinese market with our new image and our new product. &nbsp;<br><br>为了满足客户需要,(株)庆喜在首尔创立了(株)SEVEN TRUMPETS,生产创新型产品。株)庆喜,世号特贸易有限公司,(株)SEVEN TRUMPETS具有从企划、设计到制造的一体化生产线。我们将以崭新的面貌和全新的产品走向中国。<br> <br> In order to pursue 2008 Beijing Green Olympic, We have designed and produced PET Material Cheering stick. It is different from normal cheering goods. Our products of Mega pangpang can be used several times and the raw material can be recycled, and will be not bring burden to our environment!<br><br> 为了响应2008年北京奥运会绿色奥运的宗旨,我司所生产的PET材质的加油棒是环保为前提而设计的。它不会像普通的塑料啦啦棒那样,用完后就是一堆垃圾,我司所生产的MEGAPANGPANG即加油棒可多次使用,而且其材质可循环利用的,不会给我们的生态环境带来负担。<br> &nbsp; <br>
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企业名称: 世号特贸易(上海)有限公司
商铺版本: 手机版
企业地址: 中国上海上海市上海市闵行区吴中路1377号2楼D座
企业电话: 86-021-34316551
所在地: 上海
企业类型: 企业单位 ()
保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
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