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  • 宁波鄞州三牛服装辅料厂
我厂始创于一九八八年,专业生产西装配套的黑炭衬,地处宁波市南郊姜山工业园,距宁波仅16公里,交通便利。 产品,有大身衬、挺胸衬、袖笼衬、盖肩衬,同时配套开片。本公司为一条龙服务,集纺纱、织布、后整理于一体,产品外观丰满、手感柔软、环保且优质价廉。生产设备先进,管理科学。销售网络遍布全国各地的服装商、外贸公司及印度,意大利,中东等国外地区。 愿与世界各地客商真诚合作,共同发展。 Ningbo Sanniu material factory established in 1988 is a professional garment accessories enterprises which specialized in producing the canvas for suits. The company is located in Ningbo of China , with excellent geographical location and transport ition. The company has all kinds of conventional interlining.We can also produce different kinds of interlinings according to customer demand and custom. The products we supply have wide selections、competitive price、great quality and are environment-friendly. We are willing to enter into business relations with your firm on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.We sincerely welcome the guests at home and abroad to visit our company.
  • 友情提示
  • 联系方式
企业名称: 宁波鄞州三牛服装辅料厂
商铺版本: 手机版
企业地址: 宁波市鄞州姜山镇唐叶村茅山工业园
企业电话: 013957877661
所在地: 浙江/宁波市
企业类型: 企业单位 ()
保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营范围: 黑炭衬,
注册年份: 2000
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