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  • 浙江永通染织集团外贸五部
Brief introduction: As being a comprehensive, export-oriented, and multiple enterprise grouped in China, Zhejiang Yongtong Dyeing & Weaving(Group) Co,Ltd enjoys an excellent reputation well known as one of "A hundred of Economic Tiger in the County" and important backbone town-run enterprises administrated by China Agricultural Department. It specializes in spinning and weaving, printing and dyeing, garment-making, computerized-machine embroidering, construction, decoration, distributship and foreign trade. The company grouped is Located in Qianqing town,Shaoxing County alongside the state-highway No.104,Where not only scenery is very beautiful but also the telecommunications and traffics is fairly convenient. Nowadays, the company grouped owns ten coreand-key enterprises which are Yongtong Dyeing & Weaving Factory, Shaoxing Textiles & Garments Factory, Yongtong Printing Factory, Yongtong (Foreign Trade) Textiles sub-factory, Yongtong Enteprise Development company, Yongtong Computerized-Machime Embroidering Factory, Yongtong Architectural Engineering Company, Yongtong printing Computerized-Design sub-company, Shaoxing Dyeing Materials & Chemicals Mill, and Yongtong Foreign Trade Centre, etc. The company grouped was set up in August,1995(Formerly Qianging Town-run Dyeing & Weaving Factory established in August,1989) ,with sessing RMB three hundred eighty millions of fixed assets, covering a land area of two hundred sixty thousand spuare metres. There're more than 3,000 staffs and workers in the company grouped, most of whom are professional and skillful. It has already been licensed by Chinese government, for the company grouped, to export its major products abroad. they are: T/ C Dyed Fabrics, Bleached Cloth, Printing fabrics of all kinds of grade and various patterns, Shirt-making fabrics in both middle and high-rank qualities, silklike fabrics, T/R fabrics, flax/cotton blended cloth, full cotton cloth, and so on, With enjoying a good business reputation in the international market, more than 85% of the products above-mentioned are exported to Europe, Southern and Northern America, Middle East, South Africa, Australia, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Germany, and other nations or regions in the world. The company grouped holds over thirty complete production lines of dyeing, bleaching, printing, spinning and weaving, garmentmarking, and computerized-machine embroidering, most of the equipments used in production lines are advanced and sophisticated, which are imported from Japan, Germany, Singapore, Taiwan and other developed countries. The company grouped ensures the principles as of "Having a foothole domestically, opening up the wide market internationally." and "Quality First, Reputation Foremost, "doing everything sible to meet the demands of the customers, and willingly providing them best quality service. 浙江永通染织集团有限公司 浙江永通染织集团有限公司是一家以外贸、纺织、印染为主业,兼有服装、化工、建筑、房地产、装璜等多业并举的外向型企业集团。 永通集团拥有总资产8.217亿元,职工5600多人,占地面积50多万平方米。2001年实现产值25.2648亿元,销售收入25.2121亿元,上交税款6098多万元人民币,实现外贸交货值20.468亿元人民币,其中自营出口达1.2亿元美元,是全国生产型企业出口创汇二十强企业之一,其中仅永通纺织品进出口有限公司自营出口列浙江省第三位,绍兴市自营出口位。永通集团由二十多家纺织、印染、化工等生产企业和永通纺织品进出口公司、华越进出口公司、二十二个外贸部,按照现代化、实业化、国际化的要求组建而成。公司拥有全套国际的印染后整理各类纯棉、涤棉、化纤、仿真丝等各种面料,年生产能力达8.5亿米。主要产品是各类印花染色及植绒、涂层面料、服装、化工染料等。”永通”牌系列产品是浙江省、绍兴市产品荣誉称号,全国高新技术产品博览会金奖产品,”永通”商标是浙江省著名商标。公司通过了ISO9002国际质量体系认证并正在积极按照ISO14001环境管理体系标准实施有计划地技术改造。2001年永通集团主要经济指标经国家印染行业协会排序列全国位,被评为”全国出口创汇先进企业”、全国印染行业十佳企业”、被省、市中国银行、建设银行等金融机构评定为黄金客户、AAA级信誉企业。在纺织印染行业强手如林、百舸争流的激烈竞争中,永通的纺织面料、服饰产品如一颗璀璨的明珠,一直,产销两旺。 永通集团现与世界70多个国家和地区有贸易往来,面向二十一世纪的2002年,浙江永通集团将继续遵循”求真、务实、创新、拼搏”的企业精神,以不断自我的经营理念,牢牢把握”提品位、扩外贸、讲实效”的经营方针,积极运用高新技术改造现有产业,争取在2002年度中实现销售30亿元,实现外贸交货值25亿元,其中自营出口1.8亿美元,力争突破2亿美元大关,以优良的业绩回报党和政府的关怀和扶持,回报社会各界对永通的支持和厚爱,开创永通集团辉煌的明天。
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企业名称: 浙江永通染织集团外贸五部
商铺版本: 手机版
企业地址: 钱清车站路30#
企业电话: 86-575-4059887
所在地: 浙江
企业类型: 企业单位 ()
保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营范围: 全棉灯芯条 ,全棉灯芯条 ,T/C华夫格 ,T/C华夫格 ,真丝乔其烂花8# ,全棉纱罗 ,真丝乔其烂花1# ,真丝乔其烂花8# ,涤棉面料 ,T/C帆布 ,涤棉面料 ,T/C涤卡 ,真丝乔其烂花5# ,真丝乔其烂花2# ,真丝乔其绒烂花5# ,
注册年份: 2000
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