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  • 铜陵日成纺织印染有限公司
铜陵日成纺织印染有限责任公司专业生产销售亚麻类纺织产品。我们位于拥有3000年历史旅游城市——铜陵。中国长的河流长江静静的穿流而过,风景名胜黄山和佛教圣地九华山巍峨的伫立在侧。 本公司是生产麻类产品为主的生产型企业,公司拥有员工400多人,织布机台100多台,17台进口绣花机,3条针织印花线!主要产品:纯亚麻、纯苎麻、亚麻棉、亚麻粘、亚麻天丝丝麻,产品远销欧美、香港、日本 、东南亚,是几个国际品牌的主要供应商。 公司秉承真诚信赖,互惠互利的理念!以的服务和品质服务客户!愿与海内外朋友共同谱写胜利乐章!欢迎商界朋友来铜旅游合作! 让我们共同携手,走向辉煌 We, Tongling Richeng Textile Printing&Dyeing Co. Ltd., specialize in linen textile manufacturing and trading. We locates in Tongling-----a tourist city with over 3,000 years history which The Yangtze River longest in China runs through quietly, and the famous scenic spot Huangshan Mount and the pilgrimage site Jiuhua Mount stand nearby loftily. As a professional linen fabric manufacturer, our company own more than 400 staffs, more than 100 looms, 17 imported embroidering machines ,3 printing and knitting line. We mainly provide following fabric: pure linen, pure ramie, linen cotton, viscous linen, tencel linen. Our products are exported to Hong Kong, Japan, Southeast Asia, America, Europe and other countries. We are the major suppliers of several international brands. With the philosophy of credit and sincere, mutual benefit, we offer the first-class service to our customers. We are willing to come a florid business melody with domestic and foreign friends. Welcome all to visit us for cooperation. Let's go forward hand in hand to the brilliant future !
  • 友情提示
  • 联系方式
企业名称: 铜陵日成纺织印染有限公司
商铺版本: 手机版
企业地址: 安徽省铜陵市淮河大道北段28号金都大厦1506室
企业电话: 05622686808 2686875
所在地: 安徽/铜陵市
企业类型: 企业单位 ()
保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营范围: 纯亚麻漂白布,麻粘混纺,亚麻混纺,纯亚麻 印花,纯亚麻,亚麻棉混纺,纯亚麻,苎麻,粘亚麻混纺,亚麻棉交织 提花,粘亚麻混纺,亚麻棉混纺,纯亚麻,粘苎麻交织,苎亚麻,
注册年份: 2000
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