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In the process of manufacturing and manufacturing of aluminum and its alloys, enterprises often process metal surfaces, spray various coatings or cover various organic (inorganic) materials, etc., which may include acids, alkali, salt and oil.


Therefore, after the use or consumption of aluminum and its products into the waste field, it itself has a pollutant. In addition, scrap from every corner of the society, variety, have varying degrees of pollution in the recycling and dismantling process, will be mixed with a variety of non aluminum material, these inclusions will produce physical and chemical reaction in the smelting process, have a certain impact on the environment.


Therefore, attention should be paid to the pretreatment of aluminum scrap, the inclusion of pollutants nipped in before smelting. The pretreatment technology mainly includes: sorting, namely choose plastic and rubber non aluminum material; washing, wash the scrap in oil paint, reduce material; aluminum surface coating pollution caused by incomplete combustion, should pay attention to in the paint coating scrap into the furnace before treatment.


The pretreatment at the same time, also isolated various non aluminum material, the pure aluminum, it is also necessary to ensure the high quality of the Aluminum Alloy smelting. Because a large number of inclusions have been removed before smelting, the amount of additives is reduced, the smelting cycle is shortened, and the production cost decreases accordingly, which shows the advantages of environmental management.

  济南鑫华物资回收有限公司(咨询电话 15106985767)本着公平、合理、互惠互利的原则交易。价格合理、信守承诺。绿色合理、共创双赢的渠道求发展。


  济南鑫华物资回收有限公司本着“以诚信求发展”的经验理念,面向所有企业负责人进行高价回收,以质论价,现金回收。欢迎各产品厂家及相关单位有积压反厂机器、经营商倒闭库存等与我们联系,诚实守信,看好货后现金即付。为济南百姓提供上门高价回收的服务,免费上门拆、运,是您处理空调的选择对象。 我们可以用我们的实力向广大用户承诺:我们的服务,我们将负责,您的付出,决对会得到应有的回报!






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企业名称: 济南市历山北路
商铺版本: 手机版
企业地址: 济南市历山北路
所在地: 山东/济南市
企业类型: 企业单位 ()
保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
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