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上海三毛企业(集团)股份有限公司简介 上海三毛企业(集团)股份有限公司源于具有百年历史的上海毛纺制造业,她传承历史精华,彰显产业进步,是中国毛纺行业家同时发行A、B股的股份上市公司,是中国具有综合制造能力、产品门类的专业毛纺集团企业集团。 上海三毛集团,以毛纺面料及上下延伸的相关产品为核心业务,形成了以羊毛制条、面料生产、服装加工、国际贸易为主业流程的产业链,是上海纺织系统内主业优势集聚、拥有加工基地和科技支撑的对外贸易、具有都市毛纺的外向型企业集团。 自1993年改制,1998年重组以来形成了毛纺主业、进出口贸易和资本运作三大板块,注册资本二亿元人民币,拥有28家全资、控股子公司,年销售收入12亿人民币,外贸出口1亿美元。 公司年产毛条5000吨,精纺面料300万米,西服45万套,西裤100万套,女装150万件(套),羊毛衫200万件,毛针织纱500吨,远销美国、日本、欧洲、澳大利亚、中东、香港等国家和地区,形成以KROY、完全机可洗、高质中支和差别化纤维应用为特征的产品核心专长,培育出了主业产品著名品牌“三蝶”牌呢绒,多年被评为上海市产品。2005年“KROY呢绒面料”获得了上海市高新技术成品转化项目证书。 上海三毛集团拥有从毛条进厂到面料成品出厂的全套生产流水线,拥有国际上的条、纺、织、后整理的多功能设备。 条染:有法国NSC公司的针梳、复精梳生产流水线。 纺部:有意大利圣安德烈前纺全套设备、后纺有全新引进的德国SKF摇架、意大利纱维尔络筒机、德国福克曼倍捻机。 毛织:拥有瑞士苏尔寿40台G6300织机。 后整理:拥有意大利MAT高效洗呢机、桑特露西亚烘呢机、德国门幅斯定型机、意大利KD95罐蒸机、英国KROY设备。 在中国毛纺行业的剧烈变革和市场竞争中,上海三毛集团毛纺面料生产企业,涌现出一批设计、营销、管理及生产骨干为主体的光荣团队。目前拥有职工650人,其中:中、高级职称有40人,中级以上技工25人。 上海三毛集团目前正借助于上海新一轮城市经济发展的强大动力和有利契机,传承上海毛纺的历史精华,体现传统优势与产业进一步融合,创新上海毛纺业新的未来。 联系人:朱女士 地址:上海市卢湾区斜土路791号A栋 电话:63040772 传真:63040712 手机号:13917843578 电子邮箱地址:[email protected] Instruction of ShanghaiSanMao Enterprise (GROUP) CO., LTD Endowed with a wool spinning history of more than 100 years and modern technology, Shanghai SanMao Enterprise(GROUP)CO.,LTD(SSE for short) is the first joint stock company which issues both A and B shares in Chinese woolen industry, as well as the only comprehensive group including a wide range of woolen products in China. Focusing on producing woolen fabric and products related, SSE has formed a complete set of industry chain including the following productions: woolen tops making, fabric producing, garment making, woolen sweater processing and international trading. Now it consists three parts: the main part-woolen and woven products, the import and export trade part, the running capital part and it is developing very quickly since converted in 1993 and reorganized in 1998. SSTE has the registered capital of RMB 200 million and owns 28 subsidiary and holding companies, with the yearly sales amounting to RMB 1200 million and the yearly export foreign exchange gain totaled USD 100 million. The annual outputs are as follows: 5,000 tons of tops 3,000,000 meters of worsted fabrics 450,000 sets of western-style clothes 1,000,000 pieces of trousers 1,500,000 sets of women suits 2,000,000 pieces of sweaters 500 tons of yarns The products are exported to USA, Japan, Europe, Australia, Mid-east Asia and Hong Kong. SSE specializes in KROY, machine washable, middle count with high quality and different fiber application. Our famous wool brand “Sandie” has been appraised as the “Shanghai famous brand product” for years. In 2005, the KROY wool fabrics gained the certification of Shanghai high-tech products transform into projects. SSE has formed a complete set of industry chain from wool tops to fabrics and equipped with up-to-date dying, spinning, weaving and finishing machines. Top dying equipments: pin drafter machine of NSC French production line of recombing Spinning equipments: preparatory machinery for spinning systems of Sam’ Andréa Italy cradle in after-spinning of SKF Germany automatic wider machine of SAVIO Italy two-for-one twister machine of VOLKMANN Germany Weaving equipments: forty G6300 looms of SVLZER Italy Finishing equipments: washing machine of MAT Italy drying machine of Germany setting machine of MONFORTS GMBH KD95 jar-steaming machine of Italy KROY machine of U.K. During the great revolution and competition in China, a glorious team comed mainly of backbone on design, marketing, management and producing appeared in SSE. Now we have 650 workers including 40 workers with intermediate title or senior title and 25 intermediate skilled workers. Relied on the new round of Shanghai’s economic development, inherited the history of woolen industry, merged the traditional advantages with the industry, SSE strives to create a new future of Shanghai wool industry. OUR ADD: A BLOG N 791 XIE TU ROAD , SHANGHAI,CHINA TEL: 086—021—63040772 MS ZHU TEL: 086—021—13917843578 E—MAIL: [email protected] FEX: 086—021—63040712
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此页是SHANGHAI SANMAO CHINA(上海三毛进出口分公司)的介绍页面,并非官方站点,我们收集于网络只为广大网民快速查询提供帮助。
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企业名称: SHANGHAI SANMAO CHINA(上海三毛进出口分公司)
商铺版本: 手机版
企业电话: 021-63040772
所在地: 上海
企业类型: 企业单位 ()
保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营范围: 毛精纺面料及纱线,
注册年份: 2000
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