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  • 义乌市春腾布艺厂
<img src=http://www.e-fa.cn/skin/cnefa/image/nopic.gif border="0" alt="公司图片" />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 春腾布艺厂成立于2006年,集开发、科研、设计、生产和销售于一体。全厂拥有数十名技艺的设计技术人员,产品打样师,拥有专业管理人员和熟练的车台加工队伍,近年来为众多的国内外提供现代居室各种高、中档日常用品;无纺布衣柜;置物盒;内衣格等无纺布系列;各种围裙;抱枕;沙发系列,同时为客户打样,加工各种布艺业务。由于优良的服务和良好的质量,赢得了客户的一致好评,厂的服务宗旨是:真诚服务,注重质量,恪守合同,和睦相处.<br>Chun-Ten Cloth and Art Company was founded in 2006. The company has been emphasized on products research and market development since the foundation. The strategy is to create good quality product, to promote marketing and to make top grade development. We provided kinds of high quality Non-woven textile articles such as closet, deit box and underwear case and kinds of aprons, pillows, cushions, sofa and upholstery textiles for costumers from China and other countries during the year. We can provide the products according to our customers’ request. With increasing reputation from costumers the company will insists on products research, craft design, technique support before the sale and services after the sale. Our service tenet is truthful, quality.<br> &nbsp;
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企业名称: 义乌市春腾布艺厂
商铺版本: 手机版
企业地址: 中国浙江义乌市浙江省义乌市西开发区17
企业电话: 085-0579-85287790
所在地: 浙江
企业类型: 企业单位 ()
保证金: 已缴纳 0.00
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